Select Case Spss For Mac

2020. 2. 9. 02:48카테고리 없음

Basics. Handling Data Files. Data Transformation. Exploratory.

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  2. Select Case Spss For Mac

To select cases based on missing values, use one of the missing value functions: MISSING (variable). Returns true or 1 if the value is system-missing or user-missing.

Simple analyses. Data reduction. More complex analyses. Selecting Cases In many instances, analysis is required only for a defined subset of your data. You may select cases for analysis in two ways: The FILTER BY command temporarily selects cases that fulfil a condition that usually is (but has not necessarily to be) defined in a yes/no mode (with yes = 1 and no = 0); it can be undone by the command FILTER OFF. The SELECT IF command deletes the cases that do not fulfil a given condition from the working file, and thus cannot be 'undone'. (However, rest assured that SELECT IF affects only your working file, not the original data set).

Examples COMPUTE filterv = (var17 eq 1 and var23 lt 23). FILTER BY filterv. SELECT IF (var17 eq 1 and var23 lt 23). FILTER BY: Temporary selection How the FILTER BY command works can be easily seen in the data window. The cases that do not meet the filtering condition are 'barred', as it were, from the analysis; however, they may re-enter at any time.

FILTERing BY a variable (which may have any name) means that all cases with value 0 or with a missing value in that variable will not enter the analyses that follow until the command is revoked by the FILTER OFF command. All other cases will remain in the analyses. Only one FILTERing variable can be listed in the command; therefore, if the filtering condition is a combination of several data values, you have to define a filtering variable accordingly. Note that FILTERing does not affect all procedures; for instance, when you SAVE your data file, all cases will be saved, not only those filtered. Also, data transformations will be performed on all cases. SELECT IF: 'Permanent' selection To SELECT cases means that all other cases are deleted from the working file. This command therefore is useful for saving computation time; if you are doing a certain amount of analyses on a part of your data only, if will be reasonable to SELECT that part.

However, you must keep in mind that when saving your data, any file with that name will be overwritten with the reduced data set. Therefore, usually you will take care that you will either not save your reduced data set or that you will save it under a different name. In the SELECT IF command, any condition can be defined for selecting cases. That is, you may use all the possibilities for to define the condition by which cases are to be selected right after the SELECT IF keyword, whereas in FILTERing cases these conditions have to be defined prior to the FILTERing command to yield the single filtering variable. Ludwig-Mayerhofer, IGSW Last update: 24 Apr 1998.

How to Insert Cases (Rows) into SPSS is Illustrated. YouTube Channel: Subscribe today! Video Transcript: n this video we'll take a look at how to insert cases into SPSS.

So here in this data file, notice I have the following variables: I have an ID variable, and I have gender, and then there's six different variables that are labeled Q1 to Q6, respectively. We could think of these as say questions on the exam where 1 is correct and 0 is incorrect. Now as I'm looking through my ID variable, notice when we get to row 15 here we see a jump. We have ID number 14 and then it jumps to 16. And these IDs just track the different people who responded, who took this exam. So this is the first person, this is the second person, and if we had a paper-and-pencil exam, we might write 001 in the upper right-hand corner, and so on.

Select case spss for mac free

So for some reason person number 15 is not in there. Well let's say that I found their paper and pencil exam and I wanted to put them right in their proper place here in row 15. So the way I could do that as I could select row 15 and then I could right-click the mouse button and go to Insert Cases. And then that gives me a space in between 14-16 so I could enter 15 and then I could enter the remaining values.

And I have that right where it needs to be. So that's how I inserted a single case. Now you can also insert multiple cases if you want. And let's take a look at that. Suppose we wanted to insert 5 cases here, just for practice. So we want to go ahead and select those 5 rows, as I did, and then this time I'll go to Edit, and then Insert Cases. And notice what happens in the data file.

SPSS shifts the values down five places. So now we have 5 empty rows that we can fill in, if that was relevant. I'm going to go ahead and undo that, so I'll press Ctrl + Z, or Command + Z for Mac users. And I'm back to where we started here a moment ago. You can insert as many cases as you want at a time, and that's a very useful feature. So if you have cases for some reason you want to enter in the middle of a data file, suppose you found some extra surveys you didn't know you had, or what have you, or at the beginning of the data file, you can insert them very easily just by right clicking the mouse, selecting Insert Cases, or by going to Edit, Insert Cases, or finally you can use the toolbar button here, Insert Cases.

Select Case Spss For Mac Free Trial

OK that's it for inserting cases. Thanks for watching. Channel Description: For step by step help with statistics, with a focus on SPSS. Both descriptive and inferential statistics covered. For descriptive statistics, topics covered include: mean, median, and mode in spss, standard deviation and variance in spss, bar charts in spss, histograms in spss, bivariate scatterplots in spss, stem and leaf plots in spss, frequency distribution tables in spss, creating labels in spss, sorting variables in spss, inserting variables in spss, inserting rows in spss, and modifying default options in spss.

Select Case Spss For Mac

For inferential statistics, topics covered include: t tests in spss, anova in spss, correlation in spss, regression in spss, chi square in spss, and MANOVA in spss. New videos regularly posted. Videos series coming soon include: multiple regression in spss, factor analysis in spss, nonparametric tests in spss, multiple comparisons in spss, linear contrasts in spss, and many more. Subscribe today! YouTube Channel: Lifetime access to SPSS videos.